
  四川博达至成展览展示有限公司,中国展陈工程企业一级资质,2010年创立至今,是以博物馆、规划馆展陈一体化为核心,提供博物馆、规划馆策划、展览文本撰写、展陈设计、施工、布展全方位服务的专业成都展厅设计公司。 成都展厅设计公司具有三千平工厂,展览设计施工一体化。公司自有3000m2的展览制作施工工厂,百余名经验丰富、技艺精湛、作风优良的专业工程队伍从业十余年,自控各阶段质量及进度,为客户省时省心。 行业经验丰富,具备风险把控能力。博达品牌创立至今,经验积淀深厚,具备极强风险把控能力。 较好的专业团队,确保项目水准。公司汇集了多领域的专业人才,拥有包括考古、历史、人文、民俗、美术、艺术、多媒体等多方面资深专家团队鼎力支持。执行团队踏实稳健,具备多年丰富的博物馆陈展项目实战经验。

  Sichuan boda into exhibition co., LTD., China ZhanChen the first-grade qualification of engineering companies, was founded in 2010, is the museum, ZhanChen integration planning exhibition center as the core, provides museum, planning, the planning, exhibition text writing, ZhanChen design, construction, installation, full-service professional chengdu exhibition design company. Chengdu exhibition hall design company has three thousand factories, exhibition design and construction integration. Company has its own factory 3000 m2 of exhibition construction, hundreds of thousands of experienced, skilled, a fine style of more than 10 years of professional engineering team, quality in each stage of self-control and progress, for customers to save time. Industry experience, the risk control ability. Boda brand establishment, experience accumulation, have extremely strong risk control ability. Good professional team, to ensure the level of the project. Company brings together professionals in many areas, including archaeology, history, humanities, customs, art, art, multimedia and other various senior expert team support. Executive team steadfast steady, has many years of rich museum Chen Zhan project of actual combat experience.

Copyright ? 2017.Company name All rights reserved 本站热搜:展馆设计,成都展览,成都展览公司,四川展览,四川展览公司,成都展览展示 川公网安备51010602002307 技术支持:时代赢客 备案号:蜀ICP备19037940号